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About alg

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  1. Jiggig is a place to kill Zogres and Skogres, they count as ogre slayer task. They can drop ogre coffin keys which are used to open the ogre coffin. There are 2 methods to get there. Method 1 : 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to minigames -> castle wars. 2. Run South of castle wars until you find the coast, keep following the coast line south-east until you reach a cave. 3. Enter the cave. Method 2 : Item requirements : Dramen staff. 1. Use fairy ring code A K S, then run north-west from the fairy ring until you reach a cave. 2. Enter the cave.
  2. alg

    Shops Guide

    There are various shops in Areos, this guide will help navigating through them. Various shops around the world are implemented, check a list of relevant ones in the bottom of this post. Let's start with shops at home. These shops are located inside of the red square area in the picture. Donator shop - Old Wizard Voting rewards - Old Wizard PvM points shop - Artimeus Boss points shop - Artimeus Appreciation points shop - Natural historian Item Upgrades - Horvik Ironman store - Iron man tutor Starter store - Shop assistant General store - Shop assistant Magic shop - Wizard traiborn Ranged weapons & ammo shop - Radigad ponfit Melee shop - Gunnjorn Skilling store - Grum Farming shop - Farmer brumty Herblore shop - Jatix Construction supplies - Sawmill operator For armors check the world shops in the list below. Areos also has various shops around the world of Gielinor that are just like OSRS. Here is a list of some relevant Areos world shops. Armors : Aneirin - Aneirin's Armour Armour salesman - Aaron's Archery Appendages Cassie - Cassie's Shield Shop Horvik - Horvik's Armour Shop Louie Legs - Louie's Armoured Legs Bazaar Oziach - Oziach (Shop) Peksa - Helmet Shop Scavvo - Scavvo's Rune Store Sir Tiffy Cashien - Initiate Temple Knight Armoury Skulgrimen - Skulgrimen's Battle Gear Valaine - Valaine's Shop of Champions Wizard Sinina - Magic Guild Store (Mystic Robes) Zenesha - Zenesha's Plate Mail Body Shop Runes : Aubury - Aubury's Rune Shop Baba Yaga - Baba Yaga's Magic Shop Betty - Betty's Magic Emporium Efa - Amlodd's Magical Supplies Lundail - Lundail's Arena-side Rune Shop Mage of Zamorak - Battle Runes Wizard Akutha - Magic Guild Store (Runes and Staves) and more
  3. Areos has a feature which allows the players to check monster drop tables and their combat information. This feature is called the drop viewer. 1. To access the drop viewer click the quest list tab. 2. Click the orange icon called 'Adventure paths', then click 'View drop tables'. Players can search for npc names Or search for item names
  4. Item requirements : anti-dragon shield. The Brutal Lava Dragon is a world boss located in level 47 of the wilderness. All players dealing damage to the boss will receive loot. The boss has a lot of hitpoints, it is recommended at least 3 players to fight it. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to wilderness -> 50s. 2. Run west from where you will appear until you find a gate, open it. 3. The Brutal Lava Dragon will be south from the gate.
  5. Item requirements : knife, magic equipment. Level requirements : level 37 in prayer for protect from magic. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to wilderness -> mage bank. 2. Click 'Pull Lever', you will be taken to level 50+ wilderness. 3. Run east following the light grey path until you find some spider webs, click 'Slash Web'. 4. , Click 'Pull Lever', you are now inside the mage arena. 5. Head towards the middle of the circle area and start killing battlemages. You can only attack them with magic weapons. Battlemages award from 3 to 6 points per kill and also have a chance at dropping the items from the shop. To spend the mage arena points, head to the mage bank, talk to 'Kolodion' and select the option 'Can I see the point exchange?'.
  6. Item requirements : knife, combat equipment. Level requirements : level 40 prayer for protect from melee and protect from missiles. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to dungeons -> forthos dungeon. 2. Run north from where you will appear, then to the very east, then to the very south. 3. Sarachnis will be to the very south of the dungeon in its lair, click 'Quick-enter Thick Web' to enter.
  7. Item requirements : combat equipment. Players can save some gp by using the nmz to imbue certain items such as DK's rings, ring of suffering, salve amulet, slayer helmet. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> yanille. 2. Run north from where you will appear, the nmz is right outside of the entrance of yanille. 3. Right click Dominic Onion and select the difficulty of the dream. 4. Once inside the nmz arena, start killing monsters. 5. After you are done, click to 'Drink Potion' to the south of the NMZ arena. To spend the nmz points, click the rewards chest.
  8. Item requirement : coins. Oh dear, you are dead! In Areos upon the death of a player, the items are withheld by the Grim Reaper and they require a fee to be reclaimed. 1. Click the Death's coffer to deposit coins required for the fee. 2. Select the option 'yes!' in the dialogue and then input the amount of coins. 3. Right click the Grim Reaper also known as "Death" and click the collect option. 4. Click the padlock button to pay the fee to reclaim the items. 5. Click 'take-all' to reclaim the items. In case you are wondering how to get back into the death's domain, it's one of the coffins at home.
  9. Stardust is obtained from mining shooting stars. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> falador. 2. Run south-east towards the east falador bank. 3. Trade Dusuri, he will be in the aboveground part of the mining guild.
  10. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> falador. 2. Run south towards the white knight castle. 3. Trade Mac, he will be near the entrance of the castle.
  11. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> lunar isle. 2. Run south-east until you reach the astral altar. 3. Right click the altar and click the pray option.
  12. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to training -> bandit camp. 2. Run towards south until you reach the ancient pyramid. 3. Enter the tunnel on the backside of the pyramid. 4. Pray-at the altar.
  13. Item requirement : enhanced crystal key. Level requirements : level 70 in agility, construction, farming, herblore, hunter, mining, smithing, woodcutting. The elven crystal chest is an improved version of the crystal chest. Enhanced crystal keys are created using the singing bowl with a crystal key and 10 crystal shards. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> prifddinas. 2. Click the city gate to enter prifddinas. 3. Head to the east until you find a big white building. 4. Climb up the crystal staircase in the middle of the building. 5. The elven crystal chest is a few steps to the east from where you will appear.
  14. Item requirements : woodcutting axe, combat equipment. Level requirements : level 40 prayer for protect from missiles. 1. Talk to the wizard at home and teleport to cities -> fossil island. 2. Click the magic mushtree and select the 'Sticky Swamp' option. 3. Head the south of where you will appear and chop the 'Thick vine'. 4. Continue towards south until you find the deranged archaeologist.
  15. Item requirements : 2 fire runes, 2 law runes, combat equipment. Level requirements : level 61 magic, 40 prayer for protect from missiles. Achievement requirements : My Arm Patch achievement (harvest 200 herbs from any herb patch) 1. Cast the 'Trollheim Teleport' spell. 2. Talk to 'My Arm'. 3. Select the option 'Yes, please' in the dialogue. 4. The giant roc is very close to where you will appear.
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